Congratulations, you survived!
2022 was the worst year for investors since 2008. Inflation, war in Ukraine, energy price hikes, a tech washout, weak earnings, the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, political uncertainty, interest rate hikes, and more conspired against investors in every way.
Especially crypto investors.
But now we have a new year ahead, and with a turn of the calendar always comes some optimism. The year is unwritten, and there is always room for hope.
Expect when you’re feeling a bit of a crypto hangover. If this is you, I’m not surprised. This is the case for many people.
Here are five things you can do to shake off the lingering effects of getting beat up for most of 2022. Remember, small steps can create big results.
Pick a strategy and stick with it—Nobody says you have to always follow the latest thing in crypto. Once you find something that works for you, don’t be afraid to stay on that road.
Put it all on autopilot—Automatic investing can give you peace of mind, and keep you from making rash decisions.
Find a new distraction— You don’t have to make crypto your whole personality. In fact, that’s unhealthy.
Choose tried and true investments—All investing involves risk, but there’s no harm in sticking with the basics.
Diversify —Don’t make crypto your only venture. Make sure you have a well-rounded portfolio of other assets.
What will you be doing differently in 2023?
The Crypto Connection is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be financial advice. Please do your own research before investing in any asset class. Sara Celi is not a financial advisor, and holds several cryptocurrencies. To purchase her books on Amazon, please click here.