I went to a holiday party last night.
It’s the time of year of them, after all, and thankfully many of us are back to hosting friends for holiday cheer and celebration. After the last few years, I’ll never take holiday gatherings for granted again.
As we left, a friend made a joke about FTX and the continuing saga of Sam Bankman-Fried. A few people laughed, and more than one person expressed relief that they never bought “Bitcoin or other crypto because FTX shows its a scam.”
No delineation was made between the asset class and the exchange.
This would be like saying, “I’m glad I don’t have dollars because Lehman Brothers collapsed.”
FTX is a sideshow.
It’s taking up a lot of air in the room, and that’s no surprise given the billions bilked from investors. Investigations are warranted, and people need to be held accountable. I’ve said before that I’m not sure people will be.
But also… don’t let the sideshow onto the main stage. If you’re interested in crypto, if you’re invested in something that you value, then this is… noise. Don’t let it cause you to lose focus.
The Crypto Connection is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be financial advice. Please do your own research before investing in any asset class. Sara Celi is not a financial advisor, and holds several cryptocurrencies. To purchase her books on Amazon, please click here.